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Antoine Grondin-Couture

Phone: 514-397-9284

Fax : 514-397-9922

Email :




Me Antoine Grondin Couture is a passionate advocate of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the presumption of innocence.


Throughout his defence criminal law practice since 2017, he represents individuals and corporations before all courts of criminal jurisdiction in Quebec. Me Grondin Couture has taken part in a number of high-profile cases, including jury trials, complex appeals and large-scale corruption cases. He was involved in various cases before the Supreme Court of Canada, including R. v. Thanabalasingham, R. v. Kishayinew, and R. v. Ste-Marie et al.


Combining strategy and legal creativity, he spares no effort in representing his clients.


Me Grondin Couture has a keen interest in international human rights law. In 2022-2023, he acted as legal advisor in strategic human rights litigation for the offices of Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) in Québec and Bogota, Colombia. He also completed his Quebec Bar articling at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva in 2016.


From 2019 to 2021, he was twice elected to the Board of Directors of the Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal-Laval-Longueuil (AADM).




McGill University, Bachelor of common law and civil law (B.C.L./LL.B.)




Louis BELLEAU et Antoine GRONDIN-COUTURE, « Les ordonnances de non-publication et de mise sous scellé en droit criminel : Développements récents », dans Service de la formation continue du Barreau du Québec, vol. 478, Développements récents en droit criminel (2020), Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, p. 67.


Me Louis Belleau et Me Antoine Grondin Couture, Les litiges relatifs aux privilèges dans le contexte de la divulgation de la preuve, Conférence donnée au Colloque de l’Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense (AQAAD), 7 février 2019.


Me Isabella Teolis et Me Antoine Grondin Couture, Les requêtes préliminaires, Conférence donnée sous l’égide de l’Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal-Laval-Longueuil (AADM), 8 décembre 2021.


Me Antoine Grondin Couture, The use of circumstantial evidence in the prosecution of conflict-related sexual violence, Conférence donnée par Avocats sans Frontières Canada (ASFC) aux membres de la Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JURFEM), 15 novembre 2022.




Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal-Laval-Longueuil (AADM)

Union international des avocats (UIA)

Association du Jeune Barreau de Montréal (AJBM)




French, English, Spanish






Gabriel Lapointe Prize 2022 – awarded by the AADM to a lawyer with less than 10 years of practice for an exceptional career and his social involvement



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